For some time now, I've been thinking about changing my web hosting service.
There are so many options, however, that I don't know where to begin. So I'm reaching out to you for advice. Do you use a service that you love? Or even one that you hate? (NOTE: I use a local service that most of you wouldn't know.)
My main concern, of course, is cost, but not at the expense of features. I use FrontPage to create my site, so a site that accommodates FrontPage Extensions is preferred over FTP upload (but I'll work with whatever I can get). At least one mailing list is mandatory, and two will be better.
Considering the fact that I'm a blogger, I supposed I ought to consider a service with built-in blogging capabilities. So let's put that on the list, too.
Bring it on, folks. I'm looking forward to reading your suggestions.
How to Hire the "Right" Publicist
2 days ago
Go to ; chat with them or submit a query. It is the best hosting around. Genuine honest people; one of the biggest in the industry but humble people.